10 Seconds Changed My Life


If you told me that I could reduce stress, be happier and feel more connected in just 10 seconds, I wouldn’t have believed you… until I learned about Mental Fitness.

Most of us know what mental toughness is, but fewer are familiar with the concept of Mental Fitness. When we’re mentally tough, we push through challenges with force and determination, whereas when we’re mentally fit, we surf the waves of life’s challenges with grace and joy. The art of “surfing” requires intercepting habitual negative thought patterns (the root cause of our stress and discontentment) by getting present, calming the nervous system, and accessing the full capacity of our mind.

Practicing Mental Fitness is a matter of three simple steps. First, notice (without judgment) when you are feeling a negative or stressful emotion. Next, shift your full attention to a physical sense for just 10 seconds. Here are some examples of how to do this: feel the warmth of the sun on your face, listen to the sounds of birds, watch the sunlight dance on water, feel your breath move through you, listen to the rhythm of your own steps, look at the details of a flower, or smell the aromas of a hot cup of tea. This momentary pause turns down the body’s stress response, soothes the sympathetic nervous system, and unlocks the pathways in your brain that give you access to empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, calm, and clarity. Finally, utilize this wealth of resources to navigate any challenge with renewed perspective, creative problem-solving, decisiveness, and greater ease.

If you are like me and have struggled to successfully maintain a meditation practice, you will be delighted by how easily this practice fits into your life; I call it micro-meditation. It is accessible to even the busiest person. I have found that this brief ten-second pause allows me to recharge my battery, feel more grounded, and stay calm in life’s stormy waters. It also helps me intercept rumination and spiraling while gaining access to gratitude and presence. As a result, I have more energy and feel more connected to the world around me. Because of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire and adapt to the demands we put on it, the more you practice micro-meditation the easier it gets. Thus, Mental Fitness is not unlike physical fitness; you can strengthen your brain just like you can strengthen your biceps!

When I began consistently practicing micro-meditation, and building my Mental Fitness, I experienced a remarkable shift: I felt physically and emotionally lighter and the world around me appeared to be more vibrant. It was like finally putting down a fifty-pound backpack that I didn’t even realize I was carrying and removing dirty, dim sunglasses that I hadn’t noticed were clouding my vision.

This ten-second practice taught me how to snap out of worry and stress by briefly connecting with the wonder and beauty of any given moment. I learned how to direct my focus toward what I could control and away from what I couldn’t. I started taking responsibility for my own happiness, rather than expecting circumstances or other people to do this for me. This made all the difference. 

Since integrating this practice into my life, I am discovering more joy and flow each day. I don’t want to be stuck in the endless cycle of saying, “I’ll be happy when…” I want to be happy now, and I’m discovering that it is completely possible.