

“Working with Julia has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.”

"Working with Julia has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. My heart has changed- I feel more gratitude and less resentment. I have learned to embrace the present moment and appreciate what I have right now. I can see more beauty in front of me. I am clear on what matters and how to use my energy. I've learned that my mind is really powerful and I can harness this power (I don't have to be tossed around by life). I am more intentional with my words, thoughts, and energy. I am more at peace with myself and the world around me. I feel more positive, less defensive and less overwhelmed. I worry a lot less. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted because my mind is calm and clear. I want to savor this."
— Linda

“Working with Julia is like having a personal cheerleader!”

“Working with Julia is like having a personal cheerleader! I appreciate how professional & resourceful she is while being so easy to talk to. She has been my life coach for a couple of years and I rave about her to all of my friends, some now work with her as well. Julia supports me in developing personal and professional goals like setting boundaries, developing clear intentions, prioritizing time and space to be creative, simplification and the list goes on. When I feel stuck she helps me figure out the next steps and keeps me accountable. Thank you Julia!”
— Jenner

“Julia is exceptional in her field– I have recommended her to several friends.”

“It's amazing how I am transforming my thinking patterns into what I want in my life instead of fearing what I don't want. I have been locked into some cycles of negative thinking that have been holding me back most of my life. Julia’s techniques for finding out what is 100% true and what isn't has helped me so much. Most of all, her meditation and visualization exercises are amazing– she has guided me to visualize what I want instead of what I don't want. Then she gives me the tools and the assignment to take steps to make it happen! I have grown in so many ways since working with Julia. She is exceptional in her field– I have recommended her to several friends. Thank you, Julia!”
– Sophia

“It’s hard to put into words the huge shift I’ve experienced.”

“It's hard to put into words the huge shift I've experienced since I began working with Julia. Over the past six months, I have experienced relationship challenges, home relocation, career uncertainty, and difficult family dynamics. Through it all, having my sessions with Julia as a guide always helped me come back to myself and find and trust MY truth, my life, my path. She also taught me tools to manage the anxiety that used to dominate my life. I know now that I can move through difficult moments graciously, that I can trust myself and my intuition, and that life is a miracle! I am immensely thankful I said yes to investing in coaching with Julia.”
— Lili

“I have learned self-love and confidence.”

“Thanks to my work with Julia, I have learned self-love, confidence, and strategies to recover when I find myself spiraling into self-sabotage. I have struggled with these things for as long as I can remember, but haven't had the tools to bounce back until now. I have done a lot of healing during this time. I have come a long way and am motivated to continue becoming a better me. I am trying new things, taking more adventures, and stepping out of the box that I have put myself in for so many years.”
— Aimee

“Working with Julia as a coach has been life-changing.”

“Working with Julia as a Coach has been life-changing. I had initially heard about her from multiple friends, who all expressed having positive and transformative experiences through her coaching. To be honest, after feeling stuck for so many years in different areas of my life, I was skeptical that anything would help me get "unstuck." After one session with Julia, it became clear that she had a different strategy for helping me create change than I had ever experienced. The combination of her innate skill as a Coach, her natural compassion and her ability to adapt to each client's unique journey is amazing.

Julia's coaching guided me through my roadblocks, both past and present, to ultimately being able to clearly identify and take workable steps towards manifesting my life goals.

Within a few months I had shifted out of an unhealthy relationship, made a step up in my career, began to make peace with trauma from my past, and am creating positive change towards a life that is more fulfilling on every level.”
— Maria

“Life-changing tools.”

“The Mental Fitness class has given me life-changing tools to use in all areas of my life. I’m better able to handle stress, and combat negative thoughts and distractions. As a result I have been more proactive in seeking the right help for each child and have better boundaries on what I’m able to take on. Family time is lighter and more enjoyable without all of that underlying anxiety.”
— Rachel

“This work has helped me stay focused, clear, purposeful, and positive.”

“Through my work with Julia, I have acquired numerous tools, which have paid dividends in all areas of my life. I have learned how to set boundaries, become comfortable saying no, and know why I'm saying no. This has helped me move my career forward, while also carving out space and time for my family and my personal well-being. As a result I am having a greater impact, feeling less stressed, and am more present at both work and home. I have learned about the power of manifesting and how it can open up new opportunities and lead to unforeseen possibilities. Clarifying my purpose has been key to helping me be clear with my intention for how I work and how I show up in my personal relationships. I have learned to take risks for the things that I care deeply about and how to break through my own barriers. I'm discovering a personal practice of vulnerability, courage, and gratitude. This work has helped me stay focused, clear, purposeful, and positive.”
— Susan

“Empowering, positive, and truly life changing.”

“I signed up for a PQ Power Session with Julia, hoping to gain a little clarity, or maybe to come to peace a little bit, with a struggle I've been carrying around for over a year. It was something I'd talked to friends and family about, and thought a lot about, and I felt like I'd already sort of hit it from all angles. To be honest, I didn't expect much to change. But the PQ Power Session actually helped me to see the entire situation from a different view. In one hour, I was able to see my struggle from a perspective that was empowering, positive, and peaceful. I walked away with a brand new approach, as well as concrete steps that I could immediately start to implement in my daily life. To say it was life changing sounds like hyperbole, but in my case it truly was. I am incredibly thankful that I invested in myself for that one hour. I wish I could gift a PQ Power Session with Julia to everyone I know!”
— Alison

“A significant positive turning point for me.”

"For many years I felt constantly weighed down by the challenges of life. However, through my work with Julia, my thought patterns have changed- I have gained a new perspective, a more positive outlook, and I can see the bigger picture. I am experiencing less fear and anxiety and more functionally coping with life's challenges. I am allowing myself to feel instead of blocking. This work has been a significant positive turning point for me. Overall, I feel lighter and more hopeful."
— Amy

“I am a better version of myself.”

“I always thought that people can't change, but after just five months of coaching with Julia, I am a better version of myself. I have more harmony in my life and a stronger sense of confidence. I have more empathy, understanding and self-awareness. I look at situations much differently. I recognize what was triggering different types of stress and anxiety. I have achieved a greater sense of contentment and gratitude. Julia taught me simple strategies for experiencing more happiness each day. Most importantly, I feel empowered and know that there's nothing keeping me from doing what I want to do!”
— Anne

“I know my strengths and have a clearer mindset.”

“When I started working with Julia she helped me identify my strengths and core values. Each session we focus on present issues and Julia guides me through different exercises that help me have a clearer mindset. At the end of the session we work together to set goals that are attainable and meaningful. Julia has pushed me in many positive ways and challenged me to become a better version my myself!!!”
– Nicole

“This work is life altering!”

"I've experienced massive changes in consciousness, awareness, and gratitude! My actions as a leader impact the lives of others significantly. When Julia said that positive emotions are as contagious as negative emotions, and that we can look at improving our own happiness as an act of generosity, that really hit home for me. Being aware of my saboteurs helps stop them in their tracks and leads to a more fulfilling life in so many ways. This work is life altering!"
— Veronica

“I am happier overall.”

"I feel calmer and more relaxed, which means I handle life more evenly. I learned simple strategies for reducing stress throughout the day. I'm happier overall and less anxious about tackling the things I want to change."
— Amber

“Everything feels more intentional.”

"If you want things to improve, you have to make the time and effort for it (in all aspects of life). Everything feels more intentional that I'm doing. Before working with Julia, I would just do things (or not do things) as they came, but now I am consciously choosing how I use my energy and time. As a result, my day has more structure and I am seeing improvements in productivity and mood."
— Pat

“I feel empowered and confident.”

“Through my work with Julia I have learned how to focus my energy on what is most important and fulfilling. I feel empowered to pursue the mentorship that I seek at work. I feel confident when reaching out for help and have found support where I didn't know it existed. All of this has led to greater success with my job, which in turn has improved my confidence and self-esteem. I now have tools to prevent the downward spiral of overwhelm- I know how to take a step back, calm myself, and avoid depletion. I know that when I practice self-care, I’m on top of my game in every aspect. I feel lifted by the work that I've done with Julia and have learned that I am worth investing in.”
— Mandy

“Greater self-love, motivation, self esteem, and improved mental health.”

"Wellness coaching with Julia has helped me make important positive changes, including greater self-love, motivation, self esteem, and improved mental health. I learned how to make small changes that have a big impact in order to move toward, and stick to, my goals. PQ reps have been a game changer. I share what I've learned with everyone! "
— Melissa

“I used to live in fear, now I am fearless.”

“When I first came to Julia for coaching I felt powerless, vulnerable, and scared. However, as we worked together I've grown stronger and stronger. I used to live in fear, now I am fearless. I've learned not to deplete myself. I am tapping into my wiser self and letting go of self-doubt. I've learned to trust myself. I know how to move through the biggest challenges in life with a calmness that I didn't used to have. I know my inner strength more than I ever have. I have learned that I can be proud of myself. I experience more laughter, joy, and light in each day. I am excited for the next chapter of my life.”
— Laura

“Better communication and relational growth.”

"I now have tools to slow my reaction/response, resulting in better communication and relational growth in my personal and professional life. I feel more calm and measured when I take a beat to gather myself before interacting. I feel more in control of myself and more responsible for how I engage, and I'm more pleased with what those responses have become."
— Kelly

“There is nothing better than a peaceful mind and to be fully present.”

“There is nothing better than a peaceful mind, a healthy body and to be fully present with your loved ones. This coaching truly helped me in all of these ways."
— Melissa

“Thank you Julia!”

“Julia has been a joy to work with and everything I could have hoped for in this role. She is knowledgeable, encouraging, non-judgmental, engaged and informative.”
— Bill