Team Coaching Testimonials


Beyond the personal wellness benefits for individual team members, our workflow efficiency and team communication have improved tremendously. The innovation exercise Julia led our team though transformed the way we brainstorm ideas today.

After Julia's eight-week workshop, our team has better communication, is more connected, and individuals are noticeably uplifted and energized.

It was so wonderful to work with Julia! She is full of grace and thoughtfulness, which made it easy to talk to her and brought our team closer together after completing her 8-week Team Wellness Workshop. She introduced helpful tools to assist us both in our professional and personal lives. I highly recommend her to any group or individual who is seeking to improve their relationships, reduce stress and increase their over personal wellness. I know that we will seek her guidance in the future to cultivate a more positive and productive environment.

Through Julia's program, I have improved my self-awareness and mindfulness, allowing me to be a better partner, daughter, friend, sister, and colleague.
–Team Member

I approach life and work in a more calm, grounded centered way. I am pausing and responding rather than reacting to challenging situations.
–Team Member

I feel happier and I can deal with stress better. I have also learned a lot about my team members, which I believe has strengthened our working relationships.
–Team Member

Julia taught me how to have a greater sense of consciousness, awareness, and gratitude. I've learned how to reframe my mindset and be a more positive and effective leader.
–Team Member

Since completing Julia's eight-week program, I feel more in control, more responsible for how I engage, and happier with the way I respond to challenges.
–Team Member

Julia's program has really helped me focus on the key characteristics that lead to success in work and in personal life and how I can harness those characteristics more moving forward.
–Team Member

I really enjoyed Julia's program. Experiencing this with the whole team has been such a gift. I have learned something about every person on this team.
–Team Member

This workshop helped me to better manage my stress. I've learned to take into account what is and is not in my control. I've learned different techniques for calming and centering myself when I am overwhelmed or anxious. I have also gotten to know my coworkers better, which has helped me see them as more than just coworkers or managers.
–Team Member

I feel like this workshop brought our team closer. I enjoyed getting to know my coworkers on a more personal level and feel more connected to them.
–Team Member

Working with Julia has provided me with tools to help lower my stress throughout the day. Her workshop supported our team in achieving more effective communication and problem solving as well as greater efficiency with how we work together.
–Team Member