A Gift To Your Future Self

You may be familiar with the saying, "It is in giving that we receive.” While this typically refers to acts of kindness directed towards others, it is doubly true when doing something nice for our future selves. The concept of bestowing gifts upon our future selves can transform routine chores into acts of self-love and self-care. Suddenly, mundane everyday tasks hold the potential to significantly enhance our overall well-being. This shift in perspective can be a game-changer, helping us break free from procrastination and inspiring positive action. 

Making Your Bed: A Morning Ritual

For many of us, making our bed every morning falls into the category of daily chores that can be met with a feeling of resistance. However, when we begin to view it as a gift to our future selves, it takes on new meaning. Making your bed is not just about tidying up your space; it's a daily act of self-love and commitment to starting your day with intention. No matter what kind of chaotic, bumpy, or jarring day you have, the moment you return to a well-made bed at night there is a sense of calm and order. It can feel like a much-needed warm embrace at the end of the day.

Packing A Healthy Snack: Nourish Your Body

Last week, I set aside 90 minutes to bake two dozen of my favorite "power muffins." Despite having polished off my previous batch over a month ago, I struggled to find the motivation to dive into this project. However, as I shifted my focus from the task at hand to the satisfaction and happiness future-me would feel when grabbing a power muffin on a busy day, my enthusiasm took flight. Placing those fresh-baked muffins in the freezer for my future self filled me with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. Having a healthy snack readily available helps me ward off mid-afternoon energy slumps and regrettable hangry moments. This was a simple yet rewarding way to prioritize my future well-being and happiness.

Exercising: Elevate Physical and Mental Health

Getting out for an early morning run or hauling ourselves to the gym can sometimes feel like moving a mountain, especially when there are so many other things vying for our time and attention. We know that regular exercise improves our physical and mental health and increases energy levels, but that’s not always enough to nudge us into action. Seeing our workouts as a gift to our future selves can make all the difference. Even if you don’t love exercising, you will most certainly get a happiness boost immediately after the workout and continue to reap the rewards of a healthy and vital body. So, next time you’re contemplating giving up your workout for something else, envision this time as a heartfelt gift to your future self. 

Filling Up Your Gas Tank: Avoiding Stressful Situations

I’m aware that it sounds completely ridiculous, but I have an aversion to stopping at the gas station. It always seems inconvenient and easier to do “next time” I’m out. But of course, this leaves me no wiggle room when I’m down to empty and running on a tight schedule. While driving yesterday, I noticed that I was down to a half-tank and, with intentional consideration for future-me, I promptly pulled into the nearest gas station to refuel. I was surprised how my usual reluctance completely evaporated, and instead, I felt almost giddy about doing this nice thing for my future self. I thought, “Future Julia is going to be so happy when she gets into her car tomorrow and sees she has a full gas tank!” Not only did I get an immediate happiness lift, but I also averted a stressful situation a few days down the road. 

The key to transforming everyday tasks into joyful investments lies in a simple shift of perspective. When we see these acts as gifts to our future selves, we become energized, easily move into action, and are filled with positive anticipation. It's about recognizing that the effort we put in today will pay off in the form of a happier and more content future self. This reframe can help us overcome procrastination and turn chores into daily pleasures.